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I would like to take you on a brief personal journey.

Ready? Let's go!

Do you believe in life after death? Do you think there is a God?

When we look at the world, we notice that everything that exists has been made by someone. Every picture, every building, every smartphone, every shoe, everything has been created by someone. It is clear to us that nothing just appears out of nowhere. It's the same with nature. Every flower, every tree, every mountain, and all the animals show us that there must be a Creator.

If there is a Creator - a God - then the question arises: Is this God satisfied with me? Let's test it! In the Bible, there are the Ten Commandments - God's moral law. Have you ever stolen something, even if it was something insignificant? If so, you have broken this commandment. Have you ever lied, even if it was a "white lie"? If so, according to God's standards, you are a liar. Have you ever looked at another person and desired them (with lust)? According to Jesus, you have then broken the commandment against adultery in your heart. Have you ever been angry with someone? And have you perhaps wished something negative or even death upon them? Even if you were 'just' angry with someone, in your heart you have broken God's commandment "You shall not kill". Have you ever used God's name as a swear word? If so, you are also guilty in this regard.

Imagine a man who feels perfectly fit going to donate blood. The blood is tested first. The doctor discovers that the man has cancer. How should the doctor proceed? He will first show the man the test results and explain what he has found, and only then will he give him the urgently needed medication, which the man will then willingly accept. Why this story? We looked at 5 of the 10 commandments earlier. This was your "blood test". Now let's look at the result:

So if you were to die tonight, how would God judge you? Would you be guilty or innocent? Clearly guilty! Heaven or Hell? That would be hell. "For the wages of sin is death," says the Bible. All your good deeds won't help you. In a court, people are judged for their offenses; the judge doesn't care how much good that person has done. God knows everything about you, even your thoughts, and He is absolutely just and incorruptible. In the Bible, it even says, "Yes, it is terrible to fall into the hands of the living God." That's why it's so important that we know how we will not be condemned!

God himself has a solution for us! In Jesus, God became human, lived a perfect life - without ever breaking one of God's commandments. He died on the cross - as the innocent for the guilty - thus taking our guilt (our sins) upon himself. It's like having to pay a fine, but someone else pays for you; that's what Jesus did for us. He took our guilt upon himself so that we can be free. As the Bible reports, Jesus defeated death and rose again on the third day. God loves us so much that He offers the solution for our big problem himself! (By presenting us the solution He allows us to choose. He does not interfere our free will. No one is forced to be with Him. Each person can decide for themselves what they want.)

How do I receive this gift from God? How can I now be acquitted? Imagine you're in an airplane at 10'000 feet altitude. You have to jump out. If you trust the parachute and use it, everything will be fine. Someone who does not trust the parachute and instead flutters with their arms because they rely on their own abilities will perish. It's the same with God. If you trust Jesus - like this parachute - and show genuine remorse for your guilt, God will give you the gift of grace. Ask God for forgiveness, leave your sinful life behind you, and trust Jesus for your salvation alone!

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